Moving to The Northwest Territories

The North West Territories are unique among all of Canada’s provinces and territories. The people of the north are kind and inviting, and have a laid-back, culturally diverse way of life, not to mention the breathtaking natural attractions.

There’s never a dull moment in the Northwest Territories, thanks to the abundance of things to do. Cross-country skiing, kayaking, and trekking are all great options if you like being outside. Many villages in the Northwest Territories provide indoor activities for adults and students alike, including as soccer, basketball, ice hockey, figure skating, ceramics, quilting, and other traditional provincial and cultural activities.

Immigration through The Northwest Territories Nominee Program (NTNP)

Eligible candidates with the skills and experience targeted by the Northwest Territories may be able to receive a Provincial Nomination Certificate through the Northwest Territories Provincial Nominee Program (NTNP). A Provincial Nomination Certificate will enable them to apply for Canadian Permanent Residence.

There are four main application streams for the NTNP:

  • NWT Entry Level/Semi-Skilled Occupations
  • NWT Skilled Worker
  • NWT Express entry
  • Northwest Territories Business Stream
Immigration to The Northwest Territories
Yellowknife is the NWT's capital. With a population of over 20,000, it's the ideal spot to work or raise a family in Canada!
Relocate to the Northwest Territories
The NWT is home to a vast majority of natural attractions to choose from, making it perfect for adventurous newcomers!

The NTNP accepts candidates under one of the following four streams:

NWT Entry Level/Semi-Skilled Occupations

When Northwest Territory employers are unable to recruit a qualified Canadian applicant locally or nationally for an entry-level position, the Entry Level/Semi-Skilled Occupations program was created to assist them and to allow foreign entry-level workers to fill the shortage by coming to work for them in Canada. 

In the Northwest Territories, employers may use the Skilled Worker category to recruit qualified candidates if there is a scarcity of employees for positions that require formal education, specialized training, or both.

Foreign skilled workers must be able to show that they have the expertise, experience, and education necessary to perform the duties outlined in the job description in order to be considered for the position.

In order to be eligible for the NWT Express Entry category, applicants must have a profile in the Express Entry System, a federal program that expedites the application process for experienced applicants who wish to live and work in the NWT.

In the Northwest Territories Business Stream, anyone with the means and desire to start, purchase or invest in a business is welcome.

Company ideas that will bring economic growth and new employment to the Northwest Territories are encouraged and supported by the Northwest Territories Nominee Program (NTNP), which also helps candidates seek for permanent residence status in Canada and start a business in the territory.

Work in The Northwest Territories

Work in The Northwest Territories
Work in The Northwest Territories

The economy of the Northwest Territories is mainly dependent on resource sectors, which are very volatile on global markets. The mining industry is the biggest private sector employer, with substantial gold, uranium, and diamond mines in operation. The Mackenzie River Valley and the Beaufort Sea offshore oil and gas production are also becoming significant. The diamond business in the Northwest Territories has lately grown as a result of worries about conflict diamonds in other parts of the globe.

Despite having specific in-demand employment opportunities, The Northwest Territories is still a great place to work if your career skills fall under the mining, oil and gas, or fishing industry. Yellowknife, the Northwest Territories capital has recently had some major development resulting in a thriving service sector that offers a wide range of career options. Yellowknife’s economy is rising at the third-fastest rate in Canada, just behind Vancouver and Toronto, according to recent studies.

Study in The Northwest Territories

Study in The Northwest Territories
Study in The Northwest Territories

All Canadians and permanent residents under the age of twenty have the right to free public school education up to and including their last year of high school. There is a first-rate public education system in the Northwest Territories, considering its tiny population, which includes early childhood programs through high school.

Aurora College is the only postsecondary school in the NWT. The province’s educational programs are tailored to meet the unique requirements of northerners, including those of individual students, the workforce, and the local towns themselves.